Episode 010 - Aeon Soul meets The DigiVault!

Coming Soon to Daz 3D

Join us on an adventure of melding the imaginations of Aeon Soul, and their over-the-top, highly artistic and detailed costumes and outfits with The DigiVault, and his fantastic array of adventure zone environments! 

In Animation Corner we'll build our own cinematography rig for animating anything from a prop to and entire scene for In Place animation cycles!

Coming Soon to Daz 3D

Premium Ticket

The Live Event has passed.

Premium Ticket holders were treated to:

3D Art Direct magazine was superseded by Digital Art Live Magazine, which has evolved into Digital Art Live - Live Coaching, Webinar Events, Elegant Studio Forum, and Video Tutorial Packages.

No Longer Available for Purchase

I love the back issue magazines and endeavor to get my hands on them whenever I can! Like the others I have, this one is a real treat!

Check out the Digital Art Live Store for Digital Art Live back issues (Individual issues available in the studio forum) as well as other membership options! 

We want to See Your Art!

If you have any favorite renders of Aeon Soul or The DigiVault, or want to create a new one, we'd love to see it! Share it with everyone in the show!

I've followed both of these vendors nearly as long as I've been into all of this. Back when I was just starting out Aeon Soul had a gorgeous variety of free props for us all to use as our scenery along with some goodies for Vicky. 

They also sold some of the most imaginative costume pieces.

It was immediately apparent that these are artists who love making art. It's all so lovingly perfected.

Years later, The DigiVault started putting out nice pieces to render our actors into, and then just took those digital horns and ran with them!

What a fun collection of Action stages!

Wow! Thanks Daz 3D and Aeon Soul!!!

I wasn't even planning to shop. I got this cool orange banner at the top of my screen: "Flash Sale - 4 Hours Only"

Why not, right? I checked it out.

First thing I saw - Wasteland Outfit - Genesis 9 and 8


Thanks Rosie, my reason for living! :)

I'll be showing this off for sure!!! Dart... get back to work!!! :D

As you explore the product images on this page, I'm mentioning how fun it is to customize all of their outfits. The main product kits come with a Ton of options and the clothing itself is loaded with morphs and "Hide" presets that makes customization a real adventure. 

The expansion packs (XPS) for these items add further possibilities along with Exquisite material art that I believe Sil must meticulously paint (in 3D) by hand. 

She's really good and she told me on several occasions that she absolutely Loves doing it!  These additions load beautifully onto our custom jobs that we've already put together from the various outfit packs. It's truly a marvelous experience!

If you follow Aeon Soul you know what I'm talking about. But if you're not yet accustomed to their fine work, join us for this webinar and I'll show you what these products do to your library as one of the finest costume creation kits ever!

Aeon Soul wardrobe power: 

Mix and match clothing pieces and styles with all your have to create unique characters. Aeon Soul clothes fit each other awesomely, since they all sport the same level of quality, detail and features. The different styles included give you a great range to kit-bash and mix outfits!

It's Mind-Blowing how versatile these kits are once we have the XPS added to them. "The sky is the Limit" - Nope. We can shoot right past the sky and still find new possibilities!!!

About the Rosie render above:

The Jacket (Code Squad) and pants (Metro Styles) were changed pink by adding a color shade to the base color, using one of the Specular or Glossy maps as a mask in the Layered Image Editor. To do so, I don't add the color until I'm in the editor. Then Add New Color Layer, create the color I want and, with that color layer selected, Add New Image Mask and pick the one that is bright in the areas where I want to color change to take place, dark where I'd prefer it didn't change much, if at all.

That is how I was able to exclude the color change from the cool Graffiti on the pants .

The top is from the new Underwear Collection: Superstar below

Superstar is a stylish, sassy underwear with some neat options and flair.

Utility Genesis morphs:

In the same Underwear Collection folder you will also find skin-pressure morphs, to give the impression of the underwear sinking into the skin.

Borders Smoothness:

Textures matchability

The gorgeous promotional artwork for these products shows how truly wonderful these scene kits are. After buying my second one, I was convinced that this artist tends to my needs in all the right ways - so I'm working towards collecting his whole store - as I am with Aeon Soul.  

What isn't immediately apparent by reviewing these kits in the store is the fact that they offer amazing possibilities for creating all new worlds to render, simply by saving out bits and pieces of these incredibly modular setups! 

A couple of examples: Silent City is a complete "After the War" or "Post Apocalyptic" city scene (with other cool kits by the same author to take the story inside - like Destroyed Mall). 

Each of the wonderfully detailed buildings are really nice pieces that can be moved around, duplicated. instanced... and the same goes for the other structures like bridges and walkways, etc., - fully detailed scenery pieces that can be plunked into any scene to further extend what we've got going in this most interesting environment.   

An then there's The Underside, which is an incredible open structure whose only access is through the roof. The open-ended far side of the room is a knee wall with the city just outside - and it's Incredible!!! 

The environment itself, even without the city outside, is a wonderful place for adventure or a much needed pause from the fight. The city outside is a clever design with neon signs all over the place. 

Like the pieces of Silent City, these pieces can be used for all Sorts of handy scene extending without bogging down the weight of the scene - yet it's all 3D and very easy to work with. 

I love stuff like this with Iray lighting built right into the scene. It's just really nice to be able to drop something into Daz Studio and it's all ready to render!

Okay, enough text for now. Let's look at some Amazing Goodies and explore how we can use these bits to build cool things - mazing Art!

In most of the Creative Cart episodes since Daz 3D introduced their Premier Tier membership plan, which I was onboard with right from the start, you'll notice that I'm constantly using the Geometry Sculptor tools, which is a massively updated version of Mesh Grabber and all of its addons - plus the features that I requested to ManFriday, who immediately agreed that it was a good idea and made it happen. 

I don't know any of the details on how it became part of Premier instead of being another awesome ManFriday offering, but that tool was one of my biggest pushes toward becoming a Premier Tier Member. 

But... Oh My!!!

Daz + totally Rocks! Previously Platinum Club, then PC +, and now Daz +, the membership has helped me into the wonderful world of Constantly (and I mean Constantly!!!) obtaining high quality 3D assets.

I've always just happily paid my dues. What I get back out of it in just a month or two makes it completely worth the membership payout - Truly!

Well the new Premier Tier takes that whole experience and continues to surprise me over and over with:

Daz Studio Premier - Oh man!!! Updated Render Queue, dforce Manager, Geometry Sculptor, Character Convertor, and that's just the tip of this iceberg! There's a lot of new features built into Studio Premier that, well I'm so busy I haven't discovered everything just yet!!! 

So from someone who has been in the Premier Tier since the first week, I am One Happy Premier Member!!! I love getting great content to put in motion and render!!! :)

The image below is showing a custom setup that I've created using Silent City and Underside, and created a separate listing under The DigiVault's content listing under props. I've included both Full Scene and partial Scene Subset options for flexibility.

The highlighted Null Center in the Scene panes holds the camera that we're looking through, and the custom setup wraps the buildings and signage from both kits all the way around it. 

It looks blurry because of the Depth of Field applied to the camera, which is that of the character who will be flying (for example) through the city. To render the background for the character render, we can rotate this Null Center throughout the timeline, or rotate the DigiVault City Surround A group, whose Origin (pivot point) is in the exact location as the Null Center.

In Underside, the awesome city glow we're seeing is created via mesh lights that are stowed away, hidden from view by the geometry of the structure we're standing in. 

In this setup they would be visible to us as ultra-bright planes of light, but I wanted to keep them rather than to try and replicate them on my own. Well these days I don't even give it a second thought. I know that this is all User-Facing now (since an update), but I use 3D Universe's Catcher Plus - I select one of the mesh lights and run Catcher Plus which gives me the Iray Options I need to turn these mesh lights into Ghost Lights. Bam!!!

"Hard Target" came out before we had Iray in Daz Studio, but it has a really nice skydome that I just love - so I loaded in the skydome, ran the Daz Iray Uber script on it, and dropped the color map into the Emission channel and adjusted it to taste - which is providing the rest of the light in this scene. Cool, eh?

Zero One - and Animated Short

Pete Corrigan (The DigiVault) did the visuals for this amazing short! Check it out!!!

A Fantastic place to learn, share and absorb anything and everything Art!

Led by Paul Bussey, this fantastic place has a beautiful forum with an endless supply of topics - and we can join courses and training, or just hang out with the group and discuss and enjoy art!

Check Out Creative Cart

Check out Digital Art Live 

The Webinar is a Digital Art Live Experience!

Remember to head to Digital Art Live Studio forums where you can visit the special category for each Creative Cart episode as well as the general topic - ask questions, make suggestions, share your thoughts, your artwork... the resource is there For You!!! 

The Friendly Moderators and Members love to interact about this amazing experience that we have as Digital Artists! 

Creative Cart meets Smart Content!

Our good friend, TugPSX, has put together a very nice demonstration on how we can make All of our assets that coincide with The Creative Cart easily findable via the Smart Content system within Daz Studio.

Check it out!

...and Thanks TugPSX!

Just in from Aeon Soul:

Urban Noise - Urban Noise - Urban Noise!!!

Check out Aeon Soul!

For every cool outfit I have from Aeon Soul I have the perfect setting without having to look any further than The DigiVault, which is really pretty cool!

Here are just a few examples:

Underside is an easy to use, pre-lit, interior night scene that portrays a grungy, damp level of a multi story structure. It is open on three sides to reveal detailed city at night and rain backdrops that are also pre-lit. It comes with 150 texture maps that include Base Colour, Glossiness, Metallic, Specular, Normal, Bump and Emission maps in sizes from 2048 X 2048 to 8192 X 8192. It comes with both 3Delight and Iray versions as well as 6 camera presets.

Like I was saying in the intro, that "detailed city at night" is awesome! It works great for rendering our characters view as they look outside the structure we're standing in, and it looks Fantastic! Furthermore, we can use that detailed night city portion in other scenes to fulfill what it looks like outside the window!

Cold Fusion is a wonderfully detailed, massive Core environment. I love these kits that are all pre-lit simply from the materials on elements that should cast light. This is an awesome setting for critical Sci-Fi times indeed!

I love these setups like Dark Passage, The First gate, BioHazard, etc., from The DigiVault. Long, dark, fully realized scenes with replicated detailed that make extraordinary 'tense moments' for our characters to truly feel Tense! 

For my version on the left (above) I used The Alchemist material preset, hid the tube top material, and used AlphaKini for the golden ropes. To do that, I chose the material preset shown on the right, which is from the AlphaKini base product, and carefully created my own Opacity Mask texture map to only show the gold trim outline.

In the Surfaces pane, after applying my new opacity mask I changed the shader type to Metal and cranked the Metalicity value all the way up. Looks pretty cool, I think! :)

We enter the wasteland and we do it to stay.

Wasteland Outfit is your classic post-apocalyptic set with a (once) t-shirt that has seen better days and can testify to your commitment to surviving and cargo pants that can carry all you need when you are on the road or in a ramshackle shelter. The boots have seen hundreds of kilometers of desert and city ruins, but can still carry you to the end of the world or possibly its rebirth.

We also included plenty of props as you never know where you are going to end up and you need to be prepared: carabiners that you can hang anything on, canisters for food and drinks, or that sweet nitro fuel that can boost you out of trouble and metal tubes that could house any treasure.

If you want to make it in a post-apocalyptic world you need the right gear!

This package supports the following characters: Genesis 8/8.1 Female, Genesis 8/8.1 Male, and Genesis 9 with different tops for Female and Male models.

The pants are included in two versions: "empty" and "with Props". The secondary belt loads with all props attached. When using the secondary belt and the Pants with Props simply delete all those you do not want. We added many props for customizability, but some may overlap, simply delete either one.

The secondary belt is a prop, it is very easy to adjust and move around using the included morphs.

The props are arranged so that they can be rotated by their point of contact with the belt or pants and can be easily repositioned. This is also true for the props hanging from other props.

Most (if not all) of Rosie's outfits have custom shaping morphs that I create using the Studio Premier Geometry Sculptor.

Not a Premier Member? Mesh Grabber Bundle (because I need all available options - Premier version even adds more!) is what I was using before Premier was a thing. 

Customizing is a Blast!!!

All of Aeon Soul's outfits come with a wealth of customizing options. 

Materials, dedicated material zones with Hide presets, morphs, morphs, and more morphs - and they're all designed as "Aeon Soul" components, making it a breeze to mix n' match with other sets!

Looking at the expansion packs (XPS for short) we see that along with providing a whole lot of new options for how that outfits looks, they also include specific styles to match them up with other Aeon Soul outfits, which is very, Very Cool!

Aeon Soul makes my favorite footwear too. 

I can't have Rosie running around doing all that she does in High Heels - and So Many clothing packs that do come with shoes have high heels and no other option.

The image on the right is a custom outfit I made using HoloFlow and the XPS 1.

Notice how the boots put the foot in a high heeled position, yet they're designed in a way that actually works for Action Heroes!

I Like it a Lot!!!

Here is Rosie as Tau Ceti. The image on the left is the Tau Ceti (with custom morphs). On the right, the main Bodice has been replaced with AlphaKini Future - Tau Ceti Overseer option (see below). 

Aeon Soul does this all the Time! Either adding textures that match other outfits, or coming out with them as XPS.

Both versions are edited somewhat by myself using Studio Premier Geometry Sculptor

And we can use things like this to pass between genre styles within the same story

Code Squad 01 is a stylish contemporary or futuristic sci-fi set for Genesis 8 Female that includes a long sleeved top with a reinforced breast plate and a padded neck, a very dynamic short skirt (or miniskirt), a pair of panties with corresponding "hip-hugging" HD morph for G8 and a pair of sporty short boots.

It's a highly detailed and cool looking set with a range of different materials and palettes that can be used for everyday renders, but with reinforced and padded details it works especially well for more action oriented set-ups. 

The range of textures tries to cover several scenarios, with an urban camouflage option for an action-oriented character; a style with gold patterns and accents for a cyberpunk feeling and two "explorer" styles for more adventurous types (still a lot of un-raided tombs out there).

Aeon Soul wardrobe power: 

Mix and match clothing pieces and styles with all your have to create unique characters. Aeon Soul clothes fit each other awesomely, since they all sport the same level of quality, detail and features. The different styles included give you a great range to kit-bash and mix outfits!

It's Mind-Blowing how versatile these kits are once we have the XPS added to them. "The sky is the Limit" - Nope. We can shoot right past the sky and still find new possibilities!!!

Check out that footwear!!! 

I Love the outfit. That's what draws me to it in the first place. 

I am a kit basher. I like Need to pick and choose bits and pieces from this, that, and the other thing, to put together a costume for Rosie. In doing so, I've discovered, very much by accident - years ago - that Aeon Soul's footwear is Supreme! 

So when I saw the promo image above (in the Daz 3D store), those boots and shin guards caught my eye Immediately! 

A - They're not High Heels!!!

B - They look Fantastic!!!

C - Through experience, I know that even the soles are exquisitely detailed to look 'lived in'. I love the bottoms of Aeon Soul's shoes and boots! The pressure points from normal wear-and-tear of being a super hero elite are nicely worn!!!

Below we see the fine detailing of the mesh, the clever use of having lots of well-placed material zones (Colored to illustrate each zone), and an assortment of "Hide" presets for further designing the look of this particular outfit or to make room for a mix/match with another outfit entirely. 

I also have a lot of fun tweaking them, using their texture maps as a starting point to work from, and create new colors, styles, and transparencies - and then I also enjoy making my own custom morphs with Daz Studio Premier's Geometry Sculptor* see bottom of page.

Too Much Fun!!!

I love how all of these kits have that unified look, so we can easily transition from one to the other!

Here's a rendered frame (above) for the promo video using Aftermath by The DigiVault, which is also going to be showcasing Aeon Soul's Skin Effects: Adventures Vol. 1

This extra-skin Geometry Shell product looks fantastic and has a whole lot of options that are really easy and fun to apply.

Aeon Soul packs it with presets that give us control over how much or how little dirt or scratched there are for different zones - individually. More dirt, less scratches, etc.,

It also comes with really nice "Read Me" presets that pop up little windows of useful information. I love this sort of thing!

I've been seeing these with all of my Aeon Soul purchases for the last many years. 

The Incredible AlphaKini

AlphaKini is an everyday 2-pieces set, whose simplicity becomes its strength.

Loads of movement morphs and 3 detailed and great styles, give this set a practical and realistic sporty style, for girls on the move.

A practical, sporty bikini (AlphaKini!) is a piece that should never miss in a girl's wardrobe!

The styles included explore its practical yet feminine sporty side, with a hint of futuristic.

They all come in two color combinations and are perfect for a summer's run in High Park or a no-sweat Yoga session. Whether your girl are into endurance or relaxed training, this set will fit the bill perfectly.

Updated for Genesis 3 Female(s) and Iray Material Presets!

They also Auto-Fit to Genesis 8, 8.1 and 9 very nicely without any extra fuss!

Styles that come with the base package. Click on the individual addons below these for more of their options!

But there's more!

AlphaKini is only the start, with the add-on packages, this little set turns into something completely different and flavourful, just check the "contemporary", "fantasy" and "future" expansions for more mixability and flexibility.

The Complete Bundle includes AlphaKini for Genesis 2 & 3 Female(s) (The Base Product) and:

And then came the Wasteland

AlphaKini Wasteland came out after the Complete Bundle, so must be sold separately - and it's one of my favorite packs of them all!

If you missed the news, AlphaKini is now for both Genesis 2 Female(s) and Genesis 3 Female(s), in one single package that was updated for free as our thank you for the support!

All AlphaKini add-ons work for both version, so all these styles will work on both the Genesis 2 Female and Genesis 3 Female versions, for the ultimate Kini experience and versatility!

This package includes a varied range of post-apocalyptic, survivor, gore, wasteland, fantasy textures. Here's a more detailed description:

SHREDDED: simple seasoned underest style (in simple form with holes and tattered borders, with added dirt, even dirtier with dirty blood). This is extremely versatile for any render you may need a battered underwear for, ranging from simple poor/survivor scenes to gore-filled ones. Of course it works great in combination with the Neo Ayane styles!

WASTELAND: the classic patch of battered leather kept together with bolts and a couple of odd canvas belts to keep them in place.

GRID: An extremely revealing, make-do grid-style. A patched, survivor armor made of the ubiquitous holed grid metal kept together by metal thread and bolts, with some leather for the pantie.

DROP ARMOR: an armor-like style made of molten and roughly shaped metal with leather parts kept together with randomly arranged bolts. An aggressive and daring style that can also be used over other clothing items.

HOOD ARMOR: reminding of mad-car hood decorations, this is the most aggressive and armor-like style. It's a mash up of various metals, cast iron, steel and tin straps kept together by strong bolts. This is the style of someone in charge and that keeps all the warboys on their leash. Definitely the lady in charge of the pack. It comes in rusty and raw metal form, or in a battered, painted metal variant.

A unique and comprehensive package that will dress any wastelander, from the lowly survivor, to the wannabe warrior to the leather of the Keep.

Always bear in mind the huge versatility comes from styles that look amazing alone, but will rock with other clothes/styles.

Animation Corner

I like to use dynamic simulations for my animations. A lot of that goes into the promos for all of these Creative Carts.

In this Episode's Animation Corner we'll go behind the scenes and build our own system that allows us to use nearly any environment with any of our saved character animations, which is Gold for those of us who simulate dynamic hair and cloth.

This is the perfect opportunity to do so! We'll use Aeon Soul and The DigiVault's products for the demonstration!

Whymsy, is not just a clothing set, it is a wearable work of art for Daz Studio Genesis 3 based characters. 

While the mesh itself is pretty yet simple, the included morphs and textures are impressive in quality and scope.

Whymsy was born as the pretty, stylish and feminine ensemble for a fantasy mage, wizard or sorceress, (depending on how you get your magical energies flowing). Yet it also looks delicious for everyday modern renders.

In the “magic mess” style, the clumsy wizard that spills a potion on herself could easily turn into an over-eager painter that can’t wait to finish up her post-modern masterpiece!

The muddy version is good for those adventurous renders that see that enchantress leave her laboratory for the thrill of discovery and she’ll have to get her hands (and clothes) dirty along the way (she thought an additional armor spell may prove more useful than the instant laundry one and she’ll probably be right at the end of the day. Dirty, muddy, but in one piece)!

They can also be used for a modern kind of lost in the woods renders, or for a survivor, post-apocalyptic one (not everybody will wear tires)!

As always, we offer tools for your creativity and then your imagination is the limit. So explore, enjoy and exploit and give beautiful form to your inner worlds!

Whymsy is a clothing set that includes:

For Whymsy we have focused on all the important features:

That said while the corrective morphs cover *most* options/movements, they can’t cover *all/any* of them, so there may be instances where you need to fix the pose a little bit for the skirt to look great (or use the helper morphs on the skirt itself).

The custom rigging isn’t the only option, in fact you can entirely turn it off and use manual JCMs (the ones we created) and tens of other movement and helper morphs to perfectly fit the skirt to your character/movement.

A tutorial/walk-through (text + images) is included that illustrates all of the skirt features so that you can fully enjoy them! 

This is my own version which I've made dForce compatible. Simply Wonderful!

The textures are full PBR with Metalness, Base Color, Glossiness, Roughness, Normal and Height (Displacement) maps that will make it look gorgeous in Iray. Diffuse and Specular maps are also included for those that prefer to use a Specular based shader or that use engines such as Octane. All our renders were made in DazStudio + Iray.

The textures are rich in details and quality. They feature life-like materials and fabrics and also some wear and tear to get rid of that brand-new garment effect.

Included are two beautiful color sets and 3 different styles: Clean, “Magic mess” (can also work for a clumsy painter) and Muddy dirt.

Great options to use the clothes for everyday (fantasy and non-fantasy) renders, but also for some gritty and dirt adventure. Or for some seemingly innocuous experimenting in a magic lab! 

The movement morphs are far and wide. They range from simple to outright windy and crazy. The skirt includes 5 bones for quick movements (3 for the back and 2 for the front).

It also includes 28 movement morphs (Front, Back, Left. Right, Up, Random) and 50 Legs Movement Helper morphs, that can be used both as helper and movement morphs. In addition there are Other nice morphs, such as several sitting morphs, unbutton morphs, low waistline morphs and so on.

A prominent addition is that of 287 movement morphs that match the Whymsy poses. These morphs will look perfect when used in conjunction with the poses, but will actually also be usable and look amazing without the poses themselves. They are amazingly looking combined; they are awesome on their own!


Genesis 3 wardrobe is there to be fun: mix, match, create unique and unusual outfits and characters. Whymsy top, skirt and ankles jewels look amazing together, but also mixed with other clothing pieces as they can add beauty and personality to anything!

The Webinar is a Digital Art Live Experience!

Remember to head to Digital Art Live Studio forums where you can visit the special category for each Creative Cart episode as well as the general topic - ask questions, make suggestions, share your thoughts, your artwork... the resource is there For You!!! 

The Friendly Moderators and Members love to interact about this amazing experience that we have as Digital Artists! 

What a Fantastic place to learn, share and absorb anything and everything Art!

Led by Paul Bussey, this fantastic place has a beautiful forum with an endless supply of topics - and we can join courses and training, or just hang out with the group and discuss and enjoy art!

Check Out Creative Cart

Check out Digital Art Live 

* A Word about the Daz Premier Membership

* Daz Premier definitely has a lot of controversy going on about it, so I thought I'd put in my two-cents from a customer who joined this amazing tier right from the start.

I Loved being a Platinum Club member, PC+ member, then Daz + member. 

These memberships were actually the same thing, but the name changed as the service grew with the times. It's a Great way to build a library of assets so that we always have something close to what we're dreaming about making into art. 

Members get coupons and special pricing, special deals during sales events, and they also get Freebies - and lots of them!

We get spoiled as Daz 3D customers. They've always been so generous throughout the many years I've been here, that we wake up and expect more generosity out of them on a daily basis - and sometimes we're not even waiting a full day before we start needing more Daz 3D lovin'!!!

Yes, there's an expense to this highest tier - and some feel that it's just too much. I totally understand that some folks might not feel that all of the extra benefits of the Premier Tier are worth the added expense. I get it. I really do.

The part that I do get confused about is when folks get Angry at the company about it. Some have been saying that this minimalized the worth of their existing Daz + membership - and that simply is not true! 

Daz + is still as amazing as it has always been. In fact, Daz 3D and the Daz + team have certainly upped the game for what these memberships bring home! Amazing new gear on a regular basis - and it's top-notch stuff we're talking about!

Daz + discounts across the board are incredible.

I was just telling TugPSX that one of the things I like to do with a bit of spare time is to peruse my Daz 3D account: Product Library, and amaze at how much wonderful stuff has gone into my library in very short time periods! Seriously! I went looking for a product that I just bought so that I could send him a link. I had to get to page 3 before I could find it - and I Just Bought It!!! So Cool!!!

The Premier Tier is much more than just a Daz + Plus. 

It is that - for sure. All of the Daz + store discounts get deeper, the coupons are larger, there's a whole new coupon that gives Premier Tier members a pick from one of the latest Genesis 9 Character Bundles, and the token system is Massively Boosted. 

I love new content from Daz 3D. My library was 'large enough' to provide a bit of anything I might decide to go looking for. But as they further develop the software and artists optimize for it, the content just keeps getting more and more sweet with each passing day!

As you probably know already, I am also Totally into legacy content. I started my wish list around 2009, 2010ish... and as the store grows and new content appears, the process of shopping can sometimes pass those wishes right on by as we get excited over something entirely different! 

Being a PC/PC+/Daz + member for all those years, I also use my wish list as a fun pastime. While I'm designing new outfits for Rosie and other characters, as well as designing the characters themselves, I often get the promo images in my mind from some amazing assets that came out back in the times of generation 3 - Michael 3, Vicky 3, etc., or 4 or... you get the picture. I envision cool legacy items that I remember dreaming about years ago. So I head to the store and focus on getting it, or using it as a template to look at other things that might be similar. 

So I love to shop and keep my library growing. These memberships are truly what allows me to do that because - all through this entire adventure, my budget for these things is really quite minimal. The expense of the membership is truly peanuts compared to what I gain from it in just a month. But Daz 3D just keeps letting me add to my library all through the year - even during those really tough times.

It's been like that since i first joined. A lot has happened with the company since then. But what has never changed is how generous they are to their valued members. And Daz 3D truly has me feeling "Valued"!!! 

Daz Studio Premier

Daz Studio Pro has been Free since version 4.0

Now, I am Not a software subscriber. I just don't do it.

The big difference here is that I get all of the store benefits - which really are a Big Boost from Daz +!

Still. Daz 3D being as generous as they are - reliably for So many Years - I am perfectly okay with making an exception for them. It's not easy. Like I said... Budget. :(

Taking the plunge, I'm immediately being asked by Daz Studio to restart Daz Studio while logged in to activate my new Premier Features!!!

Oh My!!! I'm still exploring and learning. I'm really Very Busy, so I have to figure these things out as I can. I still don't even know what all of the benefits actually are. The ones that I am familiar with are Awesome!

I Love Geometry Sculptor so much that I use it many times every single day. It's now completely tied into my workflow!

Creative Cart meets Smart Content!

Our good friend, TugPSX, has put together a very nice demonstration on how we can make All of our assets that coincide with The Creative Cart easily findable via the Smart Content system within Daz Studio.

Check it out!

...and Thanks TugPSX!