Download Woodlands
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A note about downloading: The download links will take you to the landing page for the file, showing its (zip) contents. You want the zip file if you're using DIM because it has the proper name, manifest, etc., so look in the upper right corner of the page and click the Download button.
Drop into DIM download folder to install via DIM
Install to a location of your choosing manually
Woodlands is a set of ready-to-use preset scenes as well as a complete outdoor scene construction kit for Carrara.
It includes 42 full scene presets, which offer various options and styles to choose from, depending upon your needs.
Whether you're looking to build your own forested path, starting with the base scene and its full 3D lighting and environmental controls then adding preset blocks of wooded nature, such as an individual plant, tree or deadwood or maybe a scene that has already been put together, so all you have to do is to bring in your characters and render, this kit was designed to meet those needs.
Woodlands was also designed to show alternate methods for building full scenes on your own. The kit includes presets designed to help you to make 360-degree background maps for use in many new scenes to come, with immediate 3D rendering of the entire background, no matter the camera angle. As an added bonus, an animated backdrop scene is included, along with the moving camera that works with it, to help show how to make those as well.
For a detailed walk through of the product, watch this screen capture video tour of Woodlands:
Woodlands begins from a base of a central primary terrain surrounding the center of the scene and provides a complete environmental controls setup. These controls include helpful cameras, light rigs, a cloud rig and brief instructions in the Carrara interface for each. There are two more distant terrains to choose from - which determines how far you can see to the horizon. Each of the terrains works with any of the three full terrain shaders, which range from a basic procedural shader to leafy forest bottom mapped with beautiful built-in bump and highlights. A stream runs in, towards and then past the scene's center using a replicated ocean primitive, which is already set up to follow the wind for animated shots. Beyond all of that, you get to choose from using a Realistic Sky preset or one that has a map loaded into its background feature, which uses a spherical image rendered from scenes made using this kit!
Instructions, both video and written, help to explain how to save resources while creating fully realized and complex scenes using the kit. You'll enjoy using and/or building with this kit for many, many years to come!
What's Included
42 Preset Carrara Scene Files (.CAR - Scenes Browser)
30 Using the Realistic Sky Atmosphere
12 Using Background Maps Made Using This Kit
Preset Nature Blocks (.Car - Objects Browser) - Preset Objects of Terrain with Plants
Small, Medium and Large for Ease in Quickly Populating Scenes
New Preset Plants and Leaves(Berries) (.CAR - Objects Browser)
Premade examples in the Browser
Load Presets in the Plant Editor
Three Complete Terrain Shaders
Two Water Shaders
Full Environmental Lighting Rigs in Every Preset
Additional Optional Clouds System
Ground Fog (Volumetric Cloud)
Animatable Cloud Domes (Replicated Volumetric Cloud)
12 Texture Maps, Color, Highlight, and Bump
Selection of Distribution Maps for Use with Primary Terrain Replication
Bonus Animated Backdrop Scene With Motion Camera Setup for Figures Using a Walk Cycle - part of the educational part of the kit
Requires Carrara 8 or Newer
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