The Platinum Club + Anniversary Sale 2021
Oh Yeah!!!
So here we are again, ready to see a whole lot of new items and gather great deals throughout the entire timeline of the Daz 3d catalog!
I Love It!!!
As what often happens, this grand event occurs at a time when I am completely financially pinched. But that can also be a blessing, since Daz 3d is incredibly generous to its PC+ members, especially during these events.
Let's see what I can collect during these hard times, shall we?
As is quite common for these spectacular sales events, Daz 3d and the PC+ Team offer up a Mega-Bundle right out of the gate, but also with some more good news and surprises.
For the first time ever, we're seeing a special content pack only available to PC+ members... period.
Another beautiful Daz Originals selection, this time Exclusive Only to PC+ Members, by Dekogon Studios and Polish, this architectural scene is beautifully, masterfully modeled and textured.
I love the unique look and fantastical, horrific additions!
My pal, Wendy got this already... I am So Jealous!!!
All kinds of amazing deals, as expected, and even much more!
We're getting massive discounts across the board, and many of them don't require any sort of additional purchase to become activated. For those that do require additional purchases, it's entirely understandable since it's the artist's hard work at stake here.
But we're also getting related category sales, Daz Original sales, our beloved PC+ for a Day and BYOB (Build Your Own Bundle) deals galore - packed with great 3D assets to add to our libraries!
Okay, I have to start showing off some of the great stuff I've collected so far - and I'm broke!!! ;)
Mega Bundle #1
Oh yeah!
I may have already purchased Purgation and Tudor Living 1, but the rest of this great collection was just gifted to me for free, simply for being a PC+ member!
Corner Room Zen is an addon for the Little Corner Room set, but alas! I got that right away when it came out - it's such a sweet little environment for a character to live!
Remember me going on about stories driven by content? ;)
Worldly Jones Texture Addon requires Worldly Jones. Oh... but that also comes in this pack! Awesome! I love this clothing set!
* Little Corner Room is Not Included in the bundle. Shown here for convenience
This highly detailed kit by David Brinnen and ForbiddenWhispers is also a Daz Originals item, meaning that if you missed this sale, you can still get a great discount any day of the year!
Packed with extras, this kit can be used in many ways to realize amazing scenes for your renders.
With the surrounding ground, the shelter with interior, mini stove, milk bottle, sacks, plants... you name it, we can customize this beauty without even having to leave its library listing!
Even just using the full preload without any customizing at all makes for a great set for our characters to explore, overcome, or even to just call home.
Another beautiful piece of work by Predatron, this Daz Originals set has been in my wish list since it came out.
My story requires that my heroes, in dire need, must seek out an old friend - and this is where he lives (except that in my story this beautiful set will be nestled with a grove of trees by a river).
I'm eager to check this thing out in person. It comes with the additional prop items as well as interior rooms. Bravo Predatron!!!
Unrelated to this sale, I bought Predatron and Diane's book: Dream It, Plan It, Make It - an excellent read about their lives as Daz 3d Premiere Artists and how that came to be, as well as great tips and suggestions for those whom may wish to become one.
Highly suggested, it's a wonderful book to read!
Rounding out this incredible bundle is another of Petipet's PC+ Daz Originals Alien Planet environments.
Like the others, this versatile kit comes with modular terrain and everything we need to populate it into an alien land to be explored or inhabited. Perhaps both?
Check this out:
That was the first of this month's Mega Bundles. Very nice! Thanks Jack and Team!!!
Along with the PC+ Anniversary, our great PC+ benefits continue, adding to the wonders of all of this!
As always, Martin J Frost has been treating PC+ members with more and more ways to customize our environments. So very cool!
Each set adds a lot of extra versatility, so when we have as many complete sets as he's given me over the years, we can really get creative... and very natural.
Thanks Martin!
Behind the Scenes
Just browsing around one day, I stumbled upon some cool things that Daz 3d put up for free for a limited time - Very Cool Stuff! Thanks Again, Daz 3d!!!
What a treat that was to see! :)
BOYB (Build Your Own Bundle)
This lets us pick 8 from a sizeable list of select items for a single, low price. PC+ Members get it for only $2.99, which is really close to getting all of these things for free!
This is my first BOYB of this event:
I'm really enjoying the Iray shaders I've been collecting from Jen Greenlees. They've been a real help with all of my crazy kit bashing and altering things.
I'm also very grateful to all of you artists who participate in this gracious event. I wouldn't be nearly as far along if I didn't have your generosity.
Thanks to You and Daz 3d!!!
PC+ for a Day
This is where PC+ members get treated to a very special gift from the Premiere Artists and Daz 3d.
Select items that are not normally available with a PC+ discount are made available for a day at $1.99 each for PC+ members only. Another major benefit from the PC+.
Here's what I was able to get my hands on so far:
TangoAlpha is a real master at his craft. He builds these amazing scenes in Carrara and then ports them over to Daz Studio and optimizes them.
Very Very Cool!
This one is an excellent Ford that we can use to add drama to the paths of our travelers!
Speaking of masters, PerspectX is also keen on delivering excellence with these dramatic sets!
Always on the lookout for awesome interiors like this - that are beaten down and torn apart or ravaged by time.
I have some great post-apocalyptic-like scenes that really get the ball rolling, and it's interior kits like this that give us a place to explore once we get through the door!!!
Well this scary looking place doesn't disappoint in that department!
Let's see what kind of trouble our heroes can get into down here!
Valzheimer really put together a cool thing here.
It includes a bunch of different, highly detailed fabric shaders as a base, and then a bunch of presets that we can use to add to or alter the fabric, like change the color and/or add overlays of patterns and such.
She also gives us utility presets to help with tiling and darkening.
Really nice setup for making really great fabrics.
Mega Bundle #2
The fun continues!!!
What a score - the only items that I previously owned were JGreenlees Old Metal Shaders and Petipet's Sci-Fi Corridor B. The rest is all brand new for me.
Dominator Robot makes my Dominator series collection nearly complete - only the Scout remains (so far). What a great series. They truly are a menace to mankind and real adversaries that are tough to take down - or even just drive away!
Predatron Beer! A Crazy-awesome Steampunk guy! A Complete Construction Site! Whacky Hair!!!
Let's take a look, shall we?
* The Dominator Series is an amazing set of incredibly menacing Sci-fi products that all work together to threaten your heroes - or perhaps become the main focal point of your own series. They're awesome!
So I've created a page to show you what I mean: Petipet's Dominator Series page is now live
I'm not to mention any names, but someone really awesome just gifted me some Daz 3d!!!
I used it on another BYOB and a few PC+ for a Day
Here's what I got:
Three more Iray Shaders packs by JGreenlees! Yes!!!
Jack Tomalin's entire West Park series is just fantastic!
It's amazing how perfectly decrepit they look. I'll have to do a series page for that to, when I can.
I think I might just have all of the West Park series now. But I've thought that before. That Jack just keeps making the perfect solutions to this. The more packs we get, the more fun it is to have the characters explore.
With West Park, it can be animated cinematically to feel absolutely huge and completely forgotten. Haunted even!
Amazing addons to tweak out my new Genesis 3 characters!
LY Fantasy Races
HD Head and Body Morphs
Well now this looks like fun!
Lyoness did a really cool thing here. This pack can turn any of our Genesis 3 characters into any of five different fantasy races. Male and Female!
Of course, for us D&D freaks, we can also make half-breeds!
This promo doesn't show the gnomes.
Dwarves, gnomes, halflings, orcs and elves oh my!
I'm going to have fun with this!
From the looks of it, these are highly efficient scene kits that make good use of simple but cool-looking design details. For example, I think that the starship is only using a couple of chairs, the rest are instanced? We'll see. Either way, they both look really nice.
I'm actually rendering some scenes that will make good use of the Ancient Fantasy Hall (I'll always have a need for that) and the Starship Command Center looks like it should be the interior of a starship model I like to use. Win Win!!!
Whew! That's a lot of stuff to get from a single gift!
Thank you So Much!!! (You know who you are!) :)
When I presented my section on Dragons, I got a few nice messages regarding the fact that I mention liking, not not yet owning Herschel Hoffmeyer's Wyvern.
Well thanks to Herschel and Daz 3d and this wonderful PC+ Anniversary Sale event, this amazing creature is now lurking my Daz 3d library!!!
Absolutely incredible - I can barely contain myself!
It's Great to finally add this beast to my Dragons Page!
Needing some more nasties for my production, I found this wonderful monster at an incredible deal during the sale.
These things are exquisite!
I'm on a mission to collect them all!
Great Utilities!
Auto-fitting Clones and Clothing Smoothers for Geneis 3 Male(s)
RSSY 3Delight to Iray Converter
by Riversoft Art and SickleYield
Welcome necessities to my workflow!
dForce Fashions for Genesis 8 Females
Three more Iray Shaders packs by JGreenlees! Yes!!!
I am almost Always heading to Shader Presets > Iray > JG in my library to tweak out the appearance of material zones. These things are So Handy to have!
Thanks Jen! :)
See what I mean about how awesome the PC+ is?
What I said in the beginning about finances being tight, well that hasn't got any better during this whole month, so this whole page was obtained through the PC+ Membership without hardly any spending!
Even without hardly any funds, this sale filled my library with so much content that I had to make a whole separate page for the second half!
Wow, what a month so far - Like Christmas in Rocktober!!!
Thank You All So Very Much!!!
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